National Film Centre in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 445 of July 14, 2020, “Procedures for Institutions to Place Information on the Internet” (hereinafter – Regulation No. 445) undertakes to make its website accessible.

This accessibility statement applies to:

Baltic Sea Documentary Forum website

A Simplified assessment has been carried out for the website. The method used is WCAG 2.0 guidelines AA version.

How accessible is this website? partially complies with Regulation No. 445 for the following reasons.

Non-compliance with requirements mentioned in Regulation No. 445

  • Some images lack text alternatives;
  • There is insufficient contrast between link text and background, and users cannot change the contrast themselves;
  • Form fields are only partially accessible;
  • Parts of the page lack basic structure or have an incomprehensible sequence.

This website was last evaluated on 10.12.2020. The evaluation was performed by Advailo, Ltd.

Document confirming the evaluation: page evaluation.

Accessibility alternatives

If the website content is in an unsuitable format for you and you need an alternative solution, please send a request email to the institution’s address, indicating:

  • the link (URL) to the inaccessible content;
  • the required format in which to prepare the information;
  • your name, surname, and email address

Feedback and contact information

We continuously strive to improve the accessibility of this website.

If you encounter any problems or shortcomings that are not mentioned in this statement or wish to receive inaccessible content in a different format, please contact us:


Call: +371 67358878

Address: Peitavas 10, Riga

We will review your request and provide a response within a reasonable timeframe.

Submitting complaints

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request or complaint, you can submit a formal complaint.

The responsible person in the supervisory authority is the Head of the NFC

If we have not adequately responded to your submission or complaint regarding the accessibility of the website content, you have the option to submit a complaint to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia:

Ombudsman’s Office: Baznīcas iela 25, Riga, LV-1010

Phone: +37167686768


Information about the preparation of this statement

This statement was first prepared on 10.12.2020 and was reviewed again on 21.12.2020.

This statement was approved by
Dita Rietuma,
Head of the NFC.