Dir. Barbara Visser | 2023 | 82 min | Tomtit Film (The Netherlands)

Marketing, mystification or misogyny — what caused the steep rise in popularity of the iconic artwork Fountain, the urinal that shook the art world? Although it first appeared in New York in 1917 as a piece of anonymous anti-art, Fountain became one of the most influential artworks of the 20th century. Speculations about the origins of Fountain and its true creator come and go. Who was the controversial Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven? Similarly to Fountain 100 years ago, the film Alreadymade, through modern means, challenges the notions of authorship, truth and originality.

Fountain is the best known of French artist Marcel Duchamp’s readymades. Duchamp used the concept to designate household objects that have been assigned artwork status. In this way anything can become a piece of art – it is the artist’s conceptual choice, which Duchamp contrasted to retinal art that is pleasing to the eye, but doesn’t require mental effort.

In Dutch, French, German and English with subtitles in Latvian and English.