Dir. Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck | 2024 | 87 min | Germany, USA | Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion

A story about people who, after death, continue to live alongside their loved ones in the form of a digital avatar. Using artificial intelligence and Big Data, new enterprises offer an innovative product – the chance to develop digital doppelgangers of deceased individuals. Technology era business ideas fulfil one of mankind’s oldest dreams – the promise of eternal life. For those remaining it helps to remedy longing, to reconcile with the fact that life goes on; perhaps one can let go of feelings of guilt. But can this type of digital solution compensate for the loss of a loved one? How will it affect human memory? And don’t we have the right to forget?

The filmmakers, Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck, once again turn to the moral ethics and grey zones of digital technology. At the Baltic Sea Docs in 2018 they debuted the film The Cleaners, about the secret Facebook content moderators’ job.

In Korean and English with subtitles in Latvian and English.