
Dir. Reber Dosky, Dieptescherpte, 69 min, 2016, Netherlands

While the war against Daesh takes place in Syria, 20-year-old Kurdish journalist Dilovan sets up a radio station in war-torn Kobani – for the returning refugees. Together with her friend, Biter, she creates reportages about refugee camps, speaks to the inhabitants, and interviews fighters and musicians. The broadcasts bring a sense of safety and stability to the listeners at a time when they need to begin rebuilding their city, and they can once again dare to think about the future. Radio Kobani was filmed over the course of three years, during the war and later during city rebuilding. It’s an intimate, bitter and poetic story about war trauma, recovery, hope and love.

Kobani is a Kurdish city in northern Syria near the Turkish border. At the end of 2014, Kobani was under siege by Daesh for four months until Kurdish forces with the help of the US army were able drive the Islamists away in January 2015. It was a heavy loss for Daesh. The majority of civilians who had fled to Turkey returned in 2015 and began rebuilding their city.